Natural Touch Massage Therapy
Pain Management and Relaxation Therapy

Meditation Course

Meditation is one of the most effective methods of relaxation. In this five-session course, you will learn four different types of Relaxation Meditation. In addition, you will also learn a Manifestation Meditation.

The four types of Relaxation Meditation are: 1.) Music Meditation 2.) Stillness Meditation 3.) Om Meditation and 4.) Mantra Meditation. The Manifestation Meditation will assist you in drawing to you the people and things that you desire and that will make your life better.

This Meditation Course is not a class. It is taught one-on-one, so you are the only student.

The cost for the Meditation Course is $35 per session, or $150 for all five (when paid in advance). For more information, or to sign-up for the Meditation Course, call Natural Touch (330-958-0908).